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교육 신청

글로벌지식협력단지에서 진행하는 교육프로그램의 상세 내용 확인이 가능합니다. (※ 교육 프로그램 일정은 내부 사정에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다.)

Specialized Program: Health* 접수 마감

신청기간 : 2019.04.01 ~ 2022.04.15

  • 교육 기간 : 2019.04.01 ~ 2022.04.15
  • 교육정원 :10 명
  • 교육 시간 : 월 / 화 / 수 / 목 / 금 / 09:00~18:00
  • 명 :
  • 교육 대상 : 대학(원)생 / 전문
  • 처 : +82-2-6312-4114
  • 참가 비용 : 무료


□ Participants
◦ Partner country’s government officials, business associates, undergraduates, graduate students, exchange students, and other relevant practitioners
□ Program Objectives
 ㅇ Provide exhibition tours on seventy years of Korean economic development experiences which will create opportunities for participants to gain policy insights about economic and social challenges of their own countries,
 ㅇ Increase participants’understanding on health issues through expert sessions (which include time for Q/A) from diverse backgrounds,
 ㅇ Encourage participants to share and discuss their countries’cases under the interactive activities sessions that are in line with exhibition tours and expert sessions.

□ Program Overview
◦ This program is made up of three components: exhibition tours, expert sessions, and activity sessions. The agenda and length of the program can change and may adopt to the needs and request of the participants. For consultation, please contact our team (contact information available on the bottom).

□ Program Agenda*

◦ Duration: 3 days




Day 1



-Introducing GKED Center, Learning Objectives, Ice Break Activities

Exhibition tour: Economic Development Hall

Pre- and Post- exhibition tour activities

Exhibition tour: Industrial Development Hall

Pre- and Post- exhibition tour activities



Expert Session 1 (e.g. Universal Health Coverage: A Global Strategy for Good Health)

Q/A and lecture-related activity session

Expert Session 2 (e.g. The National Health Insurance System of South Korea)

Q/A and lecture-related activity session

Day 2


Site Visit

Visit an institute relevant to the topic of the program



Expert Session 3 (e.g. Population Coverage Expansion and Financial Sustainability of UHC)

Q/A and lecture-related activity session

Day 3


Site Visit

Visit an institute relevant to the topic of the program



Expert Session 4 (e.g. Universal Health Coverage: Policy Recommendation)

Q/A and lecture-related activity session

Presentation & Wrap up

□ How to register & Contact us
 ㅇ Check the possible dates for program on ‘Schedule’ tab → Speak with the GKEDCenter representative and finalize the program schedule
 ㅇ For consultation: +82-2-6312-4114

